Best Scandinavian Christmas recipes (2024)

Best Scandinavian Christmas recipes (1)

Want to give your Christmas dinner a little twist this year? Take some notes from our Scandi cousins, with these delicious Scandinavian Christmas recipes.

Seeing as the cold in Sweden makes the British cold feel like a gentle breeze, the Scandinavian countries have developed several survival techniques for getting through the winter. There's Hygge, the art of being cosy and warm and inviting with friends, over food and gentle conversation and perhaps a few drinks. There's their clever way with decorating, that includes lots of candlelight and wood and rich colours that feel like a hug in themselves.

And there is Scandinavian food itself. Filled with wintry flavours like cardamom and cinnamon and mustard and dill, they are guaranteed to warm from within. Ideal for serving at dinner parties or for simply for cosy nights in at home, these are the meals that make winter dining into an art form. Comfort food for the soul.

Many of these Scandi recipes will work on the Christmas table itself, or as part of Christmas party, like the salmon blinis or spiced ham. Others, such as the cinnamon biscuits are just gently festive ideas that will see you through the whole season.

So try our pick of the best Scandinavian Christmas recipes plus other Christmas recipes and inspiration for the festivities.

They know how to do winter right, those Scandi-wegian types.

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Orange and fig panna cotta

Best Scandinavian Christmas recipes (2)

This light Christmas dessert recipe by the Scandinavian recipes master Trine Hahnemann tastes of winter – it’s the combination of orange zest and figs that does it. They’re handy to have up your sleeve as the panna cotta bases can be made a couple of days in advance.

Try this orange panna cotta recipe

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Cinnamon cookies

Best Scandinavian Christmas recipes (4)

The cinnamon sprinkled on these cookies gives them a wonderfully festive taste. Stack them in a glass jar decorated with ribbon for a lovely homemade food gift.

Try Trine Hahnemman’s crisp cinnamon cookies recipe

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Spiced quince ham

Best Scandinavian Christmas recipes (6)

Christmas ham with a mustard crust is traditional in Scandinavia, but this quirky quince version is just as delicious.

Try Trine Hahnemman’s spiced quince ham recipe

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Bill Granger's gravlax

Best Scandinavian Christmas recipes (8)

A big platter of gravlax served with a variety of rye breads and crackers is a perfect, elegant dinner – and takes barely any effort.

Try Bill Granger’s gravlax recipe

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Chocolate marzipan

Best Scandinavian Christmas recipes (10)

Marzipan is one of the staples in Scandinavian festive cooking. You can make variations on this theme by replacing the walnuts with prunes, orange zest, dates or raisins, or substitute any other liqueur you like for the cognac.

Try Trine Hahnemman’s chocolate marzipan recipe

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Meatballs in wine and lemon

Best Scandinavian Christmas recipes (12)

Meatballs are one of the most popular Scandinavian dish, though they are eaten in different ways from one Nordic country to another. Here they are exquisite cooked in a light, sharp sauce.

Try this delicious meatballs in wine and lemon recipe

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Sweet fruit bread

Best Scandinavian Christmas recipes (14)

If you want a loaf to serve alongside your festive cheese platter then try this sweet, fruit option and garnish with almonds for added crunch.

Try this delicious Christmas bread recipe

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Beetroot stained salmon

Best Scandinavian Christmas recipes (16)

The gorgeously rich, velvety, red tones of this salad are sure to make a colourful impact.

Try this delicious beetroot stained smoked salmon recipe

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Spiced Christmas cake

This is a typical Scandinavian afternoon tea cake eaten all through the winter months.

Try Trine Hahnemman’s spiced Christmas cake recipe

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Herrings with mustard sauce

Best Scandinavian Christmas recipes (20)

Cured fish, particularly herring, is a delicacy strongly associated with Scandinavia, in particular Sweden and Denmark.

Try Mark Hix’s herring with mustard sauce

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Rye bread

Best Scandinavian Christmas recipes (22)

This traditional Swedish bread is best served with cured meat or fish and relish. Start preparing the night before to leave time for the dough to rise.

Try this delicious scalded rye bread recipe

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Norwegian salmon terrine

Best Scandinavian Christmas recipes (24)

This delicious terrine is a crowd pleaser served with a crunchy salad and toasted rye bread.

Try this delicious salmon terrine recipe

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Norwegian smoked salmon blinis

Best Scandinavian Christmas recipes (26)

Add a touch of luxury to your pre-Christmas drinks with these more-ish Norwegian-inspired blinis with smoked samon and caviar. Decadent.

Try this delicious smoked salmon blini recipe

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Waffles with Norwegian brown cheese

Best Scandinavian Christmas recipes (28)

Planning a Scandi-style festive breakfast? These oat waffles served with slices of traditional brunost cheese is sure to go down well with the whole family.

Try Valentine Warner’s Nowegian waffles recipe

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Potato Rosti with mackerel and eggs

Best Scandinavian Christmas recipes (30)

Valentine Warner's golden potato cake with mackerel and egg makes for a traditional Scandinavian breakfast for Christmas but it’s also great served up as lunch or a light dinner on Boxing Day.

Try Valentine Warner’s potato rosti recipe

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Salmon scotch egg

Best Scandinavian Christmas recipes (32)

This Scandinavian take on the Scotch egg is coated in salmon and breadcrumbs then fried until golden. Perfect for a festive canapé served with a glass of bubbly or mulled wine.

Try Valentine Warner salmon Scotch egg recipe

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Rye crisp bread

Best Scandinavian Christmas recipes (34)

Valentine Warner’s rye crisp bread makes a great accompaniment to cheeses and dips. Serve at a festive drinks party or Boxing Day spread topped with tinned fish for an authentic Scandinavian combination.

Try Valentine Warner rye crisp bread recipe

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Scandinavian salmon casserole

Best Scandinavian Christmas recipes (36)

This traditional Scandi recipe is perfect to warm your co*ckles on Christmas Eve. The smoked salmon in this casserole makes it particularly tasty.

Try this Scandinavian salmon casserole recipe

Best Scandinavian Christmas recipes (2024)
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Name: Edwin Metz

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.